Mason and Mommy

Mason and Mommy

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Strange Sense of Awe!

I realize that I have already posted a blog entry for today but I felt the urgent need to post about my experience. I will call it my moment of awe. My friend Brandi recently informed me that she was going to start using her cafemom account again. I told her that I would start using mine again, thinking that it would be a much better resource for chat forums about children with Autism. Needless to say, I had forgotten about it for a few days until just a few minutes ago. I thought to myself I really need to update mine and just maybe I will come across some more readers for this very blog. Now don't get me wrong, I write this for myself as well and even if no one else read it. I would still write it.

As I was going through updating all of my profile and joining new groups of Parents with child who have Autism or any other number of pervasive disorders. I came across a journal entry that I had posted. The question was: Have you every been selected for jury duty?
My answer was this: Yes. I have been selected three times. In fact, I have to be at jury duty tomorrow on September 11. This journal was posted September 10.2001.

I stopped for a moment. In silent prayer. Trying to remember when the last time it was I had thought about that day and why I remember I was washing dishes with the TV on when the news broke. But why was it I couldn't remember I was supposed to have jury duty that day.

Although, It has been many years since that day and many don't think about it. I believe that tonight the good Lord was trying to remind me to be thankful and pray for our fellow man even if we don't know them.

And that something as small and insignificant as a journal post to a silly question can serve as a reminder of things we shouldn't forget.

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