Shaving my legs is no longer routine...Its a feat in and of itself.
Retail therapy is usually followed by shopper's remorse.
My coffee should be administered intravenously.
No matter what I named my kids they insist on changing it to "hungry".
Having kids means agreeing to give up things you used to cherish: i.e Sanity and Sleep. Yes. I had to Google those words.
When I tell my kids "To get the lead is secretly a pep talk to myself."
Whoever said a Dr. Pepper and a milky way wasn't for breakfast.....
My type of insanity is so genetic..sorry kids.
When checking out at the grocery store....I blame the open box of fruit snacks on my kids when it was really me.
Taking the kids to school in my P.J's had better be socially acceptable. If I don't make it out alive I want to be comfortable at least.
Love the confessions~~~~And I think you should write a letter asking for the pajama rule!!!!