Mason and Mommy

Mason and Mommy

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Football Fiasco

My reaction when my six-year-old Autistic son wanted to try flag football, Lets just say it felt kinda like the feeling you get when the elevator stops too fast. Admittedly I can't deny that when I had a son I was hoping I could be a football mom. All small town Texas parents feel a little bit of their dreams dashed when their son doesn't want to play football. I have to admit I was hoping that he would find his place out on the field. It would have made me proud to go to the games all decked out in the schools colors and display goofy little bumper stickers that said my kid tackled your kid. However, I knew that Mason probably wouldn't like it because of the reaction he gives when someone invades his "bubble". He asked to try and we let him. He did as good as could be expected for the first practice. The second not so much. He didn't want to warm up with the other little boys and when he told me he didn't like it cause he didn't know how to play. I told him that he was here to learn and if he practiced with the other boys he would learn how to play and might like it. So finally, I convinced him to try after about fifteen minutes he come running off of the field crying. He told me that some little boy took his flags and threw them on the ground and that was mean. It was then that I knew Mason wasn't cut out for football. He takes things so personally and is very sensitive. Taking into account how literal he views the world. He couldn't comprehend that that was how the game was played all he knew was that he had been taught that taking things from people and throwing them was mean. I know that parents shouldn't keep their kids from new experiences, but it is hard not to want to shelter them. If I have learned anything whilst being Mason's mommy it's that even though I knew he wouldn't like it I shouldn't keep him from finding that out on his own. I want him to want to try new things even if he is not sure if he will like them. Even if I KNOW he won't like them. So hopefully Mason will find out what he likes to do in this world. So far all I know is when he grows up he wants to be a fireman....Got my work cut out for me!

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